



 世界的にも有名なスーパークリスチャンである、ベーカー、ホワイト、ジョンソン、コープランド、クラークについて彼らの輝く貢献があったにもかかわらず、現在の転落状態について考察してくれた愛するエレミヤ兄弟のFacebook投稿記事の翻訳文章です。オリジナルは、Jeremiah Jeremiah 2020/7/10の記事です。本文を最後部に貼り付けておきます。

あなたにとってとても大事な事かも知れません! ちょっと長文ですが注意して読んでください。翻訳をしてくれたのはJunpei君です。急いで翻訳してくれたので直訳的になっている点をご理解頂けますと助かります。意味は受け取れるとおもいます。


~~ 本文 ~~

愛する皆さん。主イエスの使徒たちから教えられたことを、思い出してください。 終末の時代には、主をあざける者たちが現れるはずではありませんか。彼らの生きがいは、思いつくかぎりの悪を行うことです (ユダ1:17~18) 
































振る舞いが聖書に反則しているときはいつでも、たった一つの事実があります: 。それは、彼らに悪霊の活動が現れているということです。















信じる人々はわたしの権威によって悪霊を追い出し、新しいことばを語ります。 蛇をつかんでも、毒を飲んでも害を受けません。病人に手を置けば病気は治ります。 マルコの16:17~18
















 あなたがたはみな、光の子ども、真昼の子どもであって、暗闇や夜に属する者ではないからです。 第一テサロニケ5:5


神を愛していない者の仲間入りをしてはいけません。神の民と罪の民との間に、いったいどんな共通点があるでしょう。光と暗闇とが、どうして共存できるでしょう。 コリント第二6:14
















反逆は占いの罪に等しく、不従順は偶像礼拝に等しい罪なのだ。もはや主のおことばを無視したからには、主もあなたを王位から退けることだろう。」 サムエル第一15:23









財産を、この地上にたくわえてはいけません。地上では、損なわれたり、盗まれたりするからです。20財産は天にたくわえなさい。そこでは価値を失うこともないし、盗まれる心配もありません。 あなたの財産が天にあるなら、あなたの心もまた天にあるのです。 マタイ6:19-21

















インド ヘビ🐍の悪霊:クンダリニを含んだ油注ぎ、ベテル教会ビル・ジョンソン

” 墓吸い”とはこれですね👀 偉人の墓に抱きついて霊をもらうという変態行為。

ーーー オリジナル英文 ーーー


“But beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of your Lord Jesus Christ how that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.” (Jude 1:17-18)

I open this advisory with a warning and the following verse although it saddens me to do so.

“Then Peter opened his mouth and said, of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.” (Acts 10:34)

There is a documentary movie entitled The American Gospel which is gaining traction among those who profess belief in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is probable that you have already heard of this movie, seen it or will at some point in the future decide to view it for yourself. Although I have watched a short version of the film the decision to watch is yours and yours alone. Watching this movie brought me face to face with my normal human tendency to follow while Jesus encourages us to be trail blazers with him not followers of other men. When Peter stepped out of the boat beginning his walk on the water toward our Lord he was able to accomplish the impossible only as long as he kept his eyes focused squarely on Jesus – allowing his gaze to wonder brought his attention to his surroundings. Unbelief took hold on his mind and this sin which so easily besets each of us had the expected result – Peter began to sink.

I personally do not focus my attention on any one human being but a number of individuals have impacted my life which had the effect of elevating them to a position of esteem – a number of them were referenced in the movie. The Lord impressed upon me that an elevated confidence in an individual regardless of who they are is idolatry. The movie made me face my tendency to overlook obvious biblical error or extreme albeit isolated mannerisms when the error or mannerism seemed to be such a small blemish compared to the overall message associated with the individual.
Unfortunately a spiritual blemish becomes pronounced in the average believer but is typically overlooked when that same spiritual blemish mixes with celebrity - more often than not celebrity will trump any spiritual or biblical concerns which raise themselves up thereby being overlooked – labeled odd behavior. When spiritual concerns are glossed over for the sake of celebrity the wide road leading to destruction begins to materialize. Each of the individuals I reference in this piece are recognized and recognizable by millions in the “church world”. Each one has been elevated to a position many Christian consider spiritually untouchable while those believers desire the same admired status for themselves. These people are leaders who are invited to be guest speakers or who are given the honored positions when seated on the speakers’ platform with others having name recognition. At this point it is imperative that every “Christian” understand his / her responsibility in maintaining relationship with Jesus and equally responsible for sounding the alarm when unscriptural practices or statements are made by any individual regardless of their social status or celebrity. These “Super Christians” will typically have a massive following which of course is accompanied by the accumulation of excessive wealth. Exposing their error while shining the spotlight of scripture on these “elite believers” is guaranteed to elevate your level of persecution. Fear in the form of intimidation is the typical response therefore the infraction goes unaddressed although it may be the pink elephant in the room. Anyone who maintains silence in the face of biblical error on the part of a “Christian Celebrity” actually becomes party to that error through their silence thereby violating a basic tenet of faith that “God is not a respecter of persons” – failure to speak up simply increases the impact of the infraction which can and likely will have eternal consequences for the followers of the celebrity.

Having said all of this I must shine truth on doctrine and mannerisms exhibited by the following individuals I have had a personal appreciation for – I would hope that anyone I meet now or in the future would show me the same courtesy since every believer’s objective should be to stay on the narrow road leading to life – this should never be about ego. The following persons are now responsible for presenting another gospel by their actions and are in danger of eternal separation from a Righteous God.

  1. Heidi Baker
  2. Todd White
  3. Bill Johnson
  4. Kenneth Copeland
  5. Randy Clark

This is a short list of individuals but there are many others most notably Joel Osteen whose false narrative is harming millions world-wide.

I personally have a high regard for the work Heidi Baker has accomplished in Mozambique – she inspired and provoked me through her obedience to Christ which led her to bring the transforming message of love through Jesus to thousands of Africans. Today she has drifted away from sound doctrine by focusing on the impartation of spiritual power through the laying on of hands (which is biblical) but the resulting manifestations imparted reveal themselves in uncontrolled shaking, gyrations, and head jerking which have been common with Heidi since she received the same impartation while attending a Randy Clark led conference several years ago. Whenever behavior violates biblical truth there can only be one explanation – demonic activity is manifesting itself.

“But everything is to be done decently and in order.”(1 Cor. 14:40)

“For God is not the author of confusion, but peace.” (1 Cor. 14:33)

Sadly - Heidi is being used by Satan to bring confusion and another Jesus into the “church” world. Since she is now operating under the influence of an unclean spirit she has opened herself up to greater deception - because of her celebrity status thousands will follow her example – the end result will be separation from God. It should be understood that the primary reason one needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit is to withstand the direct blows of the enemy, having the ability to share the gospel of the kingdom message in power while also being guided into truth – 1 John 2:27. When the flesh is not under the leading or the influence of the Holy Spirit there is chaos and who is responsible for that? Satan of course is guilty. The Holy Spirit is gentle never possessing the individual therefore the one in which the Holy Spirit resides is never out of control. There are many videos showing Heidi laying hands on typically a young believer and the next thing you see is the young man or woman writhing around on the ground manifesting as the demon is taking up residence in its new home. When this occurs Heidi wrongly concludes that “now he has it” thinking he has received the infilling of the Holy Spirit but in reality he is now the slave of a demon who will make sure others find their way into the body. One day if and when the now demonically inhabited individual should go through deliverance the same manifestations will occur as the demon is forced out bringing freedom to the host who will hopefully become the residence of the Holy Spirit.

Another individual I had a high regard for is Todd White – several years ago I watched videos of Todd as he obediently complied with the commands issued by Jesus - relayed to us in Mark chapter 16:17-18.

“And these signs shall follow them that believe, in my name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them, they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.”

I watched as God healed those who were physically challenged and wondered why I was so spiritually impotent – the word came to me that I was like thousands of others – I was a hearer of the word but not a doer. What Todd did provoked me to spiritual action while exposing my incompetence. The change in my life began as I watched an ordinary man do extraordinary amazing things in the name of the Lord Jesus. Today Todd is going down the same impartation road that Heidi Baker follows. He first encountered a concept called a “fire tunnel” while attending a Randy Clark led conference and then he began to utilize the same practice. Todd believed he lacked one crucial component to his spiritual life and that was “fire”. Not understanding that when Jesus hung on the tree and in his dying words he said “it is finished” meant that everything he came for had been accomplished and the only thing left was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit which would be forthcoming after Jesus assumed his position at the right hand of the Father. When Jesus defeated Satan and the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Day of Pentecost we received everything – nothing was held back. This misunderstanding by both Todd and Heidi only leads down one road called destruction while fostering frustration on the part of the “Christian” who continues to struggle trying to deal with the same issues which plagued him / her before a false holy spirit came into them as they either walked through a fire tunnel or had an impartation of that spirit when hands were laid on him. The searching - well intentioned typically young believer comes to the conclusion he / she needs more “fire” when in fact what he needs is sound teaching about the necessity to learn how to “fight for himself” through the power of the Holy Spirit which he should have received at least on the day he was baptized by immersion according to the command of the Lord in John 3:1-5 and reinforced by Peter’s statement referenced in Acts 2:38. Unfortunately Todd has joined the growing number who actively encourage the unity movement which is gaining momentum as the protestant world aligns itself with the Catholic Church ultimately becoming subservient to the Pope who will either take his orders from the Anti-Christ or is the Anti-Christ. The most immature believers should see the error in this by reading 1 Thessalonians 5:5 –

“Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day; we are not of the night, nor of the darkness.”

Children of light have no fellowship with darkness and the Catholic Church represents extreme darkness. Another scriptural warning is found in 2 Corinthians 6:14 -

“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness – and what communion hath light with darkness?”

Finally - Todd has moved the ministry “Lifestyle Christianity” which the Lord allowed him to establish – moving it to the financial covering of Kenneth Copeland thereby stepping out of Holy Spirit covering as he now is leaning on the arm of the flesh for support and protection.

Bill Johnson has also been marching down the same impartation road followed by Heidi and Todd. His transgressions are even more egregious violations of the Word of God because he is leader of Bethel which has been associated with some of the most beautiful worship music – music which draws “Christians” like moths to light in a world of darkness. The practices which he and Bethel are responsible for initiating will bring deception into the hearts of seeking believers - ultimately resulting in the destruction of millions of souls who will enter hell while thinking they are on the path to Heaven. The following practices have been verified by photos, videos, and eyewitness accounts: Bill Johnson – his wife and many of the students who attend the school he established actively practice a demonic activity called “grave sucking”. They find the graves of deceased men and women of God and then lay on the grave or embrace the tombstone expecting to receive the anointing which guided that individual in life – not understanding that God is the God of the living not the dead. This unscriptural practice will lead to the receiving of a spirit but not the Holy Spirit – the spirit they receive is the spirit of deception which comes from the pit and once in the person that spirit opens the door for other demons to follow and that is what has happened in the case of Bill Johnson and Bethel. Now Bethel practices a new age form of tarot card reading they call “destiny card” reading but which has the same effect as the reading of tarot cards. This is nothing more or less than the practice of witchcraft and witchcraft is interchangeable with rebellion 1 Samuel 15:23.

“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft.”

If Bill Johnson was practicing this 2,000 years ago he would have been stoned to death along with his wife and any of his followers who imitate his example.

Kenneth Copeland is a member of the spiritual cabal which preaches the prosperity doctrine – a doctrine which could only have its roots in a country like the United States since the message would only lead to greater frustration throughout the vast majority of “Christians” world-wide – especially in places where persecution means dying for your faith in Jesus. Prosperity to millions of poor people in third world countries may mean having a hut with two rooms and a dirt floor – a place where a family of six might find shelter. Or prosperity might be to have a well from which to draw water. Copeland is worth millions of dollars – I wonder how many wells in Sudan could be dug with just a few thousand? I wonder if Kenneth Copeland and the many like him have ever read Matthew 6:19 –21.

“Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal – for where your treasure is there will your heart be also.”

I think it is safe to assume where Kenneth’s heart is.

Randy Clark is responsible for the impartation movement – at his meeting Heidi Baker received a demon which now manifests itself while making her look foolish when she speaks. He should be considered the initiator of a spiritual coronavirus which will have only one outcome unless God’s inoculation is enacted – repentance – the outcome will be spiritual death.

What is the answer? Since Satan comes as an angel of light it is imperative to maintain focus on Jesus – diligently studying the word and doing what the word commands - obeying the Lord. If an activity cannot be supported by scripture regardless of who is actively encouraging participation flee like Joseph did when faced with evil – don’t look back and never try to justify bad practices simply because of who might be doing them. If a doctor was right 60 percent of the time would you continue to go to him with your physical problem?

It saddens me to have to acknowledge this but I cannot encourage anyone to follow these individuals or others like them who have strayed off the path leading to everlasting life – following them because most of what they say is accurate only gives justification to a multitude of others who are searching for answers but finding themselves drinking from a polluted cistern. I don’t want anyone’s blood to be on my head I hope you don’t either. Can fruit be a little rotten yet good to eat?

Jeremiah Jeremiah 2020/7/10の記事 より転記(承認済み)




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